Season 17 Is Complete
The 17th Season of OGPC is complete. Congraulations to all the teams for a tremendous job!
Visit the OGPC Team Sangement System to see the list of award winners or to browse all the projects.
Check back next fall for OGPC 2024-2025!
About OGPC
The Oregon Game Project Challenge is a video game development competition for middle school and high school students. Each fall, OGPC announces a theme for that year’s competition. Teams work to design a video game based on that theme to present at the main event in May.
OGPC uses student interest in making games to develop a wide variety of skills. Students write code, create art and music, craft a story and design gameplay. They learn project management and teamwork as they collaborate over multiple months to deliver a project. And they practice their soft skills as they present their project to judges and other students.
OGPC is made possible by support from
Sustaining Sponsors
Award Sponsors
Launch Sponsors
Special Thanks To