Season 17 Is Complete

The 17th Season of OGPC is complete. Congraulations to all the teams for a tremendous job!

Visit the OGPC Team Sangement System to see the list of award winners or to browse all the projects.

Check back next fall for OGPC 2024-2025!

About OGPC

The Oregon Game Project Challenge is a video game development competition for middle school and high school students. Each fall, OGPC announces a theme for that year’s competition. Teams work to design a video game based on that theme to present at the main event in May.

Student tables at the OGPC main event.

OGPC uses student interest in making games to develop a wide variety of skills. Students write code, create art and music, craft a story and design gameplay. They learn project management and teamwork as they collaborate over multiple months to deliver a project. And they practice their soft skills as they present their project to judges and other students.

A student demonstrates his game to an audience.

Award winners at OGPC.


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